One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.
Bob Marley
Music is a true essence of melody, harmony and beat. Music has become a source of inner satisfaction and relaxation. Music has a wide range of varieties like pop, jazz, slow and rock. Every single chord of vocal brings melodious sounds and a fine texture to mind and heart. Millions of songs have been sung throughout the world till. But some of them remain as new as they were released. They remain as fresh as new. Whenever they are listened again they swings up the heart again. They are called as ever green songs. Music in itself is healing for a person. It is something which is touched by everyone and everyone just love this beautiful thing. It gives soul to universe, wings to mind and high flight to imagination. Songs which become the serenity of heart and true world of music are ever green songs.
“Living on a prayer” from album “slipper when wet” is one of the top ever green songs sung by Bon Jove in 1986. This song has remained in hearts of people and is still enjoyed on its loudest beat all over the world. “Tight rope” from Janelle Monee’s album “Arch Android” has been an ever sung song since 2010. It was loved by people. Even after two years of its release it is as fresh as it was in 2010. Aero smith’s song “I don’t want to miss a thing” was released in 1998 in his album “Armageddon” is ever green till now. It still touches everyone’s heart when it is played again with its melody up. “One” from Bilge’s album “Achtung baby” is as green as it was in 1992. Even after twenty years of its release it swings up the chords of music in its full harmony.
Coming to bollywood, music of Sanjay Leela Bansali films always remains a landmark for times to come. “Ye dill suntan raha” from his film “khamoshi” was a hit song in 1996. It was the best soundtrack of this movie and is considered as ever green till now. Heart rending song “Ek Saathi Aur” was one of the best ever green songs of Sonu Nigam from ever hit movie of bollywood “Kargil” which was released in 2003. “Anarkali” of 1953 was an ever hit movie of bollywood. The most memorable song of this movie was “Aaja Ab Aaja” was one of the best tracks of Latah Mangeshkar. It is as beautiful and ever green till now. “Jis desh may ganga behti hai” was one of the hit and ever green song of Indian cinema.
These songs are as beautiful as they were at their time of release. They still bring the harmony of music in rhythm. They are as green as they were before. Their chords are still new and our preserved with true essence of music. They are still listened and enjoyed among the world and are still over rated.
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