Which is Better Friendship or Love

Debating on the age old notion of love and friendship has led me to cross swords with a lot of faithlings. I, for one, agree with the fact that friendship and love are inter-related though separated by a very thin border whose crossing over needs emotion and a lot of heart.

Calm & Happiness, The Long Lived Desire

What is that one thing for which we strive for in life? Our goal in life? Everyone of you give a long list of items such as big bank balance, beautiful and graceful spouse / children, property, business, cars, traveling, adventures, status, security, self esteem etc.

Islamic Banking Scope in Pakistan

Introduced in 1960′s in Pakistan but get its momentum in last decade Islamic banking now hold a consider assets in financial market. Before proceeding further, some basic introduction about islamic finance is necessary. It is based on profits and risk sharing in bussiness as opposed to intrest provision in amount invested. The bank pool up […]

English Songs

Best Top 10 English Songs 2013 ten Latest List incorporates those songs which you can tune into anytime anywhere. These have the highest ratings among all the fresh releases. If you’re feeling lonely while driving or your ride to Las Vegas is still four hours away, and you are terribly sleepy and there are chances […]

Start Your Business Through Facebook

If you like to increase your sales & get more fans to your page, Marketing will be the best approach. Kindly contact us for a marketing package which is feasible for you: Blaze Minds Facebook Marketing It is the era of technology & ways of business are changing. In my years of experience in social marketing I […]