Why Retire When You Can Work At Home

Today’s seniors aren’t really senior citizens anymore.  At least not the way we remember them when our parents were our age.  Baby boomers who reach the magic age of 50 consider themselves the “new 40.”  And even the older boomers who are hitting 65 and their Medicare years, are still feeling pretty young at heart.

Many of these “new” seniors have worked long enough that they are ready to retire from their Nine-to-Five jobs.  But that doesn’t mean that they’re ready to sit around all day watching The Price is Right.  Many seniors are looking to keep busy and make a little extra money.  Some are actually looking to start a new career or turn a hobby into a real job.  Others want to continue what they’re good at – from the comfort of their own homes.

Here’s a look at some of the most popular home-based businesses for seniors.


  • Web Designer — Whether this was your full-time job or just something you’re good at, there are always people looking for someone to design a website for them.  Start a niche business where you cater to other seniors or broaden your sites and offer your expertise to anyone.


  • Graphic artist or Desktop Publisher – Like a web designer, this is a job that anyone can do from home.  All that’s required is a computer and some knowledge of the industry.


  • Freelance Writer/ Editor – Did you work in communications or as an English teacher?  Whether writing was your formal training or you just have something to say, writing is another natural home-based job.  From articles to blogs to eBooks, the possibilities are endless.


  • Tutor or Online Instructor – Is your background teaching?  Or do you have expertise in a field that people want to learn?  Consider tutoring from home or becoming an online instructor.  There are also positions available for teachers to offer assistance for online homework sites.


  • EBay Power Seller — Do you have things sitting around the house that you could sell?  Do your friends and neighbors have junk as well?  Consider selling for fun and profit (and a percentage of other people’s sales) on an auction site like eBay.


  • Medical Claims Assistant – Help other seniors with their medical bills.  Are the bills correct?  Have they been paid?  How does insurance factor in?  You can help.


  • Tax Preparer – Are you an accountant, financial planner, banker, bookkeeper or just someone who has done their own taxes for the last 30 years?  Maybe this is a job for you.  Many people – especially seniors — are intimidated by tax documents and would be happy to pay someone with a little expertise to prepare their taxes for them.


  • Seamstress – Most people are in awe of anyone who can sew.  If you do, and you enjoy it, you can set up your own business doing alterations, hems, bedding and more for those who don’t.


  • Lawn Care – Got riding mower, will travel!  Many seniors can no longer do their own lawn work and the younger folks want to get out with the kids or their favorite hobby.  If you enjoy the great outdoors and have the right equipment, lawn care might be the field for you!


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