Facebook Wasting Time Since 2004

Around 350million people suffer from Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD). It is a term introduced by US psychologists for those who are addicted to Facebook, a social network having 901 million active users each month.

The basic purpose of social networking sites like Facebook is to build social relations between people sharing an interest or having the same background, real life connections or activities. It has obvious that it has revolutionized the world & social networking sites providing countless benefits. Even each social network is different from other with respect to goals & features, for example basic purpose for LinkedIn is to combine business relations together whereas twitter is based on followers so celebrities or prominent figures can deliver their message to the masses. Facebook provide choice to everyone. Anyone can try to build his business contacts through Facebook or even market his business through Facebook or even can have all his friends & family member in the circle to get in touch with all ease. Facebook also offers fan pages so people or brands having followings in masses can keep in contact or notify their fans.

Facebook is something that we check every day & spend lots of time. Despite other social network, Facebook contain many more features, benefits as well as negative impact. It is the only social network where the registered users spend around six hour approximate per day. Children, teens as well as elders waste their time on Facebook through posting on walls, chatting or poking etc.

The other social networks are much better than Facebook as they are special purpose or they don’t have instant features so people use them for an hour max. Facebook has introduced games also so people who are interested in networking games can also stay on Facebook. People in past who use MSN messenger or Skype to chat do have a facility to chat while remaining on Facebook. Even people having business minds can’t get off from Facebook. But I think it is OK if someone is trying to use it for business, sharing or getting knowledge or any other productivity work.

Facebook Inc. developers are quite productive & each week we find new features & apps related to Facebook. As even I use Facebook for marketing purpose. It is the best source to grow your business & target masses. Students can create group on Facebook & share regarding knowledge with each other, share ideas plan meet ups & use it in the best way they can despite wasting their useful time in school while poking or posting on Facebook wall.

Negative impact on social like of an individual is also a gift of Facebook. Sitting back at home with your laptop & avoiding family & friends in real life will obviously put some impact on social life of that person.


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