Smart phones are highly trendy now a days. They are quite expensive as compared to normal phones. Market is so saturated now with multiple brands & models so prices decrease frequently which help the consumer a number of variety & easiness.
I am also a tech guy so got craze in phones. Previously it was Symbian Era which was introduced by Nokia A well known phone brand. There were many applications developed for symbian phones but Nokia wasn’t successful in maintaining the market share for symbian phones. Soon Apple introduced smart phones & within a year multiple Smart phones containing Google Android were in the Market. Google Corporation took the right movement & introduced its open sourse operating system. Many companies are developing smart phones like HTC, Hawaii, Nokia & Samsung but Samsung has the lead. Statistic tells that Galaxy S Series of Samsung has captured a big market share.
The question arises why Smart phone becoming need of everyone?
Smart Phone can perform multiple Task which previous default phones never did. It can contain multiple apps for different purposes. Now we can play HD games even 3D games on Smart Phones. I recently install a plugin app which was available with company’s Point of sale software. The app provide all reports so I dont have to run to pc every time to get report. Multiple Bussiness, entertaintment, utility softwares are available which can be avail trough android market.
The best thing I like about it is the easiness I get after utilizing the smart phone. It reminds me of meeting, task & notify me autimattically of many things I usualyy forget to remember. I also maintain diffeent accounting software, web software & management software throught it.
Be smart, do have a smart phone & utilize it positively!
Tagged with: pos software positive use samsung smart phone